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Re: [Cryptography] PRISM-Proofing and PRISM-Hardening

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (ianG)
Thu Sep 19 13:06:02 2013

X-Original-To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:12:42 +0300
From: ianG <iang@iang.org>
To: John Kemp <john@jkemp.net>
In-Reply-To: <CFCA0154-DB75-4DD9-B411-3306AAE2296D@jkemp.net>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Errors-To: cryptography-bounces+crypto.discuss=bloom-picayune.mit.edu@metzdowd.com

Hi John,

(I think we are in agreement here, there was just one point below where =

I didn't make myself clear.)

On 18/09/13 23:45 PM, John Kemp wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2013, at 4:05 AM, ianG <iang@iang.org> wrote:
>> On 17/09/13 23:52 PM, John Kemp wrote:
>>> On Sep 17, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam@gmail.com
>>>> I am sure there are other ways to increase the work factor.
>>> I think that "increasing the work factor" would often result in
>>> switching the kind of "work" performed to that which is easier than
>>> breaking secrets directly.
>> Yes, that's the logical consequence & approach to managing risks. Mitiga=
te the attack, to push attention to easier and less costly attacks, and the=
n start working on those.
>> There is a mindset in cryptography circles that we eliminate entirely th=
e attacks we can, and ignore the rest.  This is unfortunately not how the r=
eal world works.  Most of risk management outside cryptography is about red=
ucing risks not eliminating them, and managing the interplay between those =
reduced risks.  Most unfortunate, because it leads cryptographers to strang=
e recommendations.
> The technical work always needs doing. It's not that we shouldn't do our =
best to improve cryptographic protection. It's more that one can always byp=
ass cryptographic protection by getting to the cleartext before it is encry=

Right.  So the amount of effort we should put in should not be dictated =

(solely) by received wisdom about perfect security, but (also) by how =

quickly we can push the bulk of the attackers elsewhere.  Thus releasing =

our costly resources for 'elsewhere'.

I wrote about this tradeoff many moons ago.  I called the preferred =

target Pareto-secure as a counterpoint to the expected 100% secure, =

which I defined as a point where there is no Pareto-improvement that can =

be made, because the attacker is already pushed elsewhere.

The other side of the coin is to have a gentler attitude to breaches.

When a breach is announced, we also need to consider whether anyone has =

actually lost anything, and whether the ones that weren't attacked have =

got good service.  A protocol is rarely broken for the user, even if the =

cryptographic world uses the word 'broken' for a few bits.  E.g., if one =

looks at the TLS changes of the last 5 years due to a series of attacks, =

there isn't much of a record of actual hacks to users.

>>> That may be good. Or it may not.
>> If other attacks are more costly to defender and easyish for the attacke=
r, then perhaps it is bad.  But it isn't really a common approach in our se=
curity world to leave open the easiest attack, as the best alternative.  Gr=
anted, this approach is used elsewhere (in warfare for example, minefields =
and wire will be laid to channel the attack).
>> If we can push an attacker from mass passive surveillance to targetted d=
irect attacks, that is a huge win.  The former scales, the latter does not.
> My point was that "mass passive surveillance" is possible with or without=
 breaking SSL/TLS (for example, but also other technical attacks), and that=
 it is often simpler to pay someone to create a backdoor in an otherwise we=
ll-secured system. Or to simply pay someone to acquire the data in cleartex=
t form prior to the employment of any technical protections to those data. =
Other kinds of technical protections (not really discussed here so far) mig=
ht be employed to protect data from such attacks, but they would still depe=
nd on the possibility for an attacker to acquire the cleartext before such =
protections were applied.

To some extent, mass passive surveillance is entirely possible because =

SSL/TLS is so poorly employed.  I haven't looked for a while, but it was =

always about 1% of web traffic.

This is the motive behind HTTPS Everywhere - All The Time.  Let's make =

SSL the norm not the exception.  Then we've got some security against =

passive surveillance, then we force the attacker to other attacks, which =

are typically much more expensive.

> I would point out that it was historically the case that the best espiona=
ge was achieved by paying (or blackmailing) people close to the source of t=
he information to retrieve the necessary information. The idea of the "mole=
". That would seem to still be possible.
>>> "PRISM-Hardening" seems like a blunt instrument, or at least one which
>>> may only be considered worthwhile in a particular context (technical
>>> protection) and which ignores the wider context (in which such technical
>>> protections alone are insufficient against this particular adversary).
>> If I understand it correctly, PRISM is or has become the byword for the =
NSA's vacuuming of all traffic for mass passive surveillance.  In which cas=
e, this is the first attack of all, and the most damaging, because it is un=
detectable, connects you to all your contacts, and stores all your open doc=
>>  From the position of a systems provider, mass surveillance is possibly =
the most important attack to mitigate.
> If you yourself the systems provider, or a "bad" employee in your organiz=
ation, are not handing the necessary cleartext to the attacker=85

Just to point out, in the above I meant 'systems provider' not as an =

end-user-facing services supplier, but as a cryptographic protocol/tool =

provider.  E.g., OpenSSL is the latter, whereas gmail.com is the former.


>>   This is because:  we know it is done to everyone, and therefore it is =
done to our users, and it informs every other attack.  For all the other ta=
rgetted and active attacks, we have far less certainty about the targetting=
 (user) and the vulnerability (platform, etc).  And they are very costly, b=
y several orders of magnitude more than mass surveillance.
> The issue for me is that it is becoming difficult to know whether one can=
 reasonably trust service providers in the face of coercion. Both for the c=
reation of good-enough technical protections, and the use of them.

Right.  So this issue has become substantially complicated for (a) very =

large suppliers such as google/apple/microsoft because they control =

every part of the supply chain and we are reduced to 2-eyes =

verification, and (b) closed source suppliers like skype because they =

can slide in their non-contractual sharing without anyone noticing.

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