[146441] in Discussion of MIT-community interests

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ms. Reem)
Fri Nov 29 09:45:53 2024

To: Recipients <dxkorea@dxkorea.org>
From: "Ms. Reem" <dxkorea@dxkorea.org>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:45:24 +0700
Reply-To: ms.r3em@yandex.com

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Hello, My name is Ms. Reem Ebrahim Al-Hashimi, I am the Minister of state a=
nd Petroleum also Minister of State for International Cooperation in the UA=
E. I write to you on behalf of my other "three (3) colleagues" who has appr=
oved me to solicit for your "partnership in claiming of {us$47=3DMillion}" =
from a Financial Home in Cambodia on their behalf and for our "Mutual Benef=
its". The Fund {us$47=3DMillion} is our share from the (over-invoiced) Oil/=
Gas deal with the Cambodian/Vietnam Government within 2013/2014, however, w=
e don't want our government to know about the fund. If this proposal intere=
sts you, let me know, by sending me an email and I will send to you detaile=
d information on how this business would be successfully transacted. Be inf=
ormed that nobody knows about the secret of this fund except us, and we kno=
w how to carry out the entire transaction. So I am compelled to ask that yo=
u will stand on our behalf and receive this fund into any account that is s=
olely controlled by you. We will compensate you with 15% of the total amoun=
t involved as gratification for being our partner in this transaction. Repl=
y to: ms.r3em@yandex.com Regards, Ms. Reem. ms.r3em@yandex.com
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My name is Ms. Reem Ebrahim Al-Hashimi, I am the Minister of state
and Petroleum also Minister of State for International Cooperation
in the UAE. I write to you on behalf of my other "three (3) colleagues"
who has approved me to solicit for your "partnership in claiming of
{us$47=3DMillion}" from a Financial Home in Cambodia on their behalf and
for our "Mutual Benefits".

The Fund {us$47=3DMillion} is our share from the (over-invoiced) Oil/Gas
deal with the Cambodian/Vietnam Government within 2013/2014, however, we
don't want our government to know about the fund. If this proposal
interests you, let me know, by sending me an email and I will send to
you detailed information on how this business would be successfully
transacted. Be informed that nobody knows about the secret of this
fund except us, and we know how to carry out the entire transaction.
So I am compelled to ask that you will stand on our behalf and
receive this fund into any account that is solely controlled by you.

We will compensate you with 15% of the total amount involved as
gratification for being our partner in this transaction. Reply to:

Ms. Reem.

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