[146984] in Discussion of MIT-community interests
Business Opportunity/ Partnership
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Franciscus Wilhelmus)
Thu Mar 6 07:36:52 2025
Reply-To: franciscuswilhelmusgriens50@gmail.com
From: Franciscus Wilhelmus <J&H@Pharmaceuticals.com>
To: mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu
Date: 6 Mar 2025 04:36:52 -0800
Dear mit-talk-mtg,
Warm greetings to you.
I am a Business Relations Manager with a top pharmaceutical company in the =
UK (J&H Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd UK) that is conducting bio-research under =
the auspices of the European Union agency for development of broad-spectrum=
antiviral vaccines.
In my capacity as the International Business Relations Manager, I feel priv=
ileged to present you with this business investment opportunity, which is a=
legitimate and lucrative investment opportunity that'll offer you an extra=
source of income, given the ongoing rise in costs globally, caused by infl=
I am mindful that my subject is likely unrelated to your regular field of b=
usiness endeavor, work, or any of your specialty but there is absolutely no=
doubt that you will find it a high profit oriented business venture.
Our company, J&H Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd UK , is currently facing a challe=
nging situation due to a shortage of a key herbal product that they use in =
the production of high-quality, life-saving pharmaceutical products. and de=
spite the company's ongoing efforts for some months now, they have been uns=
uccessful in reestablishing communication with the former supplier of this =
herbal raw material.
Interestingly, our company director and procurement/purchase manager are st=
ill unaware that I have managed to secure the direct contact information wi=
th another dealer.
However, I have been able to uncover a local dealer, a Mexican based in the=
U.S.A who can supply the product. What makes this even more appealing is t=
he fact that this vendor is selling the product at a price that is much low=
er than what our company paid as of January of last year 2024 (US$7,500/ 25=
kg drum) in their previous purchases. This price was a whole lot cheaper th=
an the US$12,500/ 25kg drum, which the company bought at that time from the=
former supplier.
Interestingly, I have not made this known to the company; the director and =
the procurement/purchase manager are not yet aware that I have managed to s=
ecure the direct contact information for this dealer.
THIS IS MY PROPOSAL TO YOU: I want you to stand in as a new local dealer fr=
om your country, and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for th=
is is because I don't want my company to have direct contact with the local=
vendor that sells this herbal product at a cheaper rate. You will act as t=
he local seller and you will supply to our company here in England at a goo=
d rate, and you will definitely get a supply contract from the company prio=
r to making the supply.
You are sure to net at least $5,000 in profit on each drum, the companyR=
17;s quarterly consumption of the herbal oil extract exceeds 150 drums. You=
should make the calculations to envisage how much profit there is to be ma=
de from this deal every 3 months.
I will have to give you contact details of the source in the U.S.A, Dubai a=
nd Mexico for you to inquire about availability and price. In the meantime,=
I would like to know if it will be possible that we sign a Non-Disclosure =
Agreement to protect whatever information I pass on to you.
Sincerely yours,
Franciscus Wilhelmus.
Business Relations Manager.
Email: franciscuswilhelmusgriens50@gmail.com