[39451] in Kerberos

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Re: is there a way to detect if user is using same incorrect password

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ken Hornstein via Kerberos)
Sat Aug 10 12:28:28 2024

Message-Id: <202408101628.47AGS7EB017375@hedwig.cmf.nrl.navy.mil>
To: Brent Kimberley <Brent.Kimberley@Durham.ca>
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Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 12:28:07 -0400
From: Ken Hornstein via Kerberos <kerberos@mit.edu>
Reply-To: Ken Hornstein <kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil>
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>The definition of an argon salt is predicated on a nonce - number used
>once.  Reusing the salt, changes the definition.

I ... don't see how that's relevant to this discussion?  The document
you linked is not used by any extant Kerberos implementation that I am
aware of.

Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos@mit.edu

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